Okay, I know that "cougar" is a pretty sexist term. One of the many reasons: There is no other "buzz word" for an old dude with a young girl (except for maybe "sugar daddy," which still shames the girl in the relationship, rather than the man). The list goes on: It's an animalistic term, it's not thought of as "powerful" but predatory and negative, etc. (Jezebel blogger Dodai explains better than me.)
Double-standards and sexism aside, I can't help but be fully entertained by TV Land's reality show "The Cougar," which neighbors Alicia and Justin (whose cable I borrow, since I am a cable-less hippie) make fun of me for enjoying on the regular. Honestly, I will watch any reality dating show and be stoked. Why? Because I like to make fun of people and form fake alliances with TV characters. Duh. (Do you yell at the TV during football? I yell at the TV during "Rock of Love.")
An example of my obsession is this direct quote from Alicia on G-Chat this morning whilst talking of plans for the evening: "I'm pretty sure all you'll really want to do though is drink wine and watch the cougar." Wine on the couch on a Friday night? How very "cougar" of me.
And, so, that is why I have decided that I may be what I like to call a CLIT: Cougar Lady in Training.
That's right. The cougar is changing thanks to the trend of irony. CLITs are the "new and improved" cougars: We still like our white wine, but we don't have younger boyfriends. Why? Because boys under 30 don't know how to handle this CLIT.
Have to admit....i've watched a few episodes of the cougar =X
ReplyDeleteand i think pairing it with wine would probably just double the pleasure...